


De Clercqstraat 75 H
1053 AE Amsterdam

At Karakter we have skilled bar tenders who know a thing or two about serving you a great cocktail. Our menu has some of the popular and current favorites in them, but don’t hesitate to ask if we can make your favorite if you can’t find it on the menu.
Karakter offers many kinds of pop up kitchens the space to try out their concept and bring you exciting new flavors.    
Do you want to book a dinner reservation with a large group? Please contact us and we’ll put some amazing people in our kitchen to wow your taste buds.

Uitagenda van Amsterdam: Karakter, De Clercqstraat 75 H, 1053 AE Amsterdam - Evenementen, hotels, restaurants, cafés, musea, theaters en uitgaanstips van Amsterdam.

Uitagenda van Karakter