


1012 AB Amsterdam
Evenement Locatie

Lil' Club - Your go-to place for breakfast, lunch and after work bit. Lil' Club is your playground, for every day and every night. Sit, relax, work, meet, drink, read and eat - it can all be done in Lil' Club. Your go-to place for breakfast, lunch and after work bites. Mmmm... Homemade meals, fresh ingredients and no additives. Tasty and simple as that.
The label that adds contemporary culture to public spaces.
Cause we believe contemporary culture has the power to create a vibe in which people of all age, gender, background and ethnicity feel good, included and inspired.
Contemporary culture united.
Last year we labelled lil’ to Amsterdam’s most iconic building: Amsterdam Central Station.
Together with a variety of likeminded brands & initiatives and created a brand new, unique and inspiring destination, right in the heart of Amsterdam
Welcome to lil’ amsterdam cs.
The most (con)temporary street of Amsterdam to shop, eat, dance, drink and connect.

Uitagenda van Amsterdam: Lil'Amsterdam, Amstelpassage, 1012 AB Amsterdam - Evenementen, uitladder, uitgids, uittips, uitgaan, cafés, restaurants van Amsterdam.

Uitagenda van Lil'Amsterdam